My poetry and life in pictures?! + ootd
Ahojte všetci, opäť vás vítam pri štipke poézie z môjho života. Je to niečo z mojej staršej tvorby ale takýmto spôsobom vyjadrujem svoje pocity najradšej, určite budem vďačná za vašu spätnú väzbu a užite si tento článok!:)
Familiar Stranger
First time our eyes met,
my world was upside down again.
Looking to your eyes feels like snuggling under blanket,
it’s that feeling when nothing matters amd I feel accepted.
Your melody fullfills the empty parts of me,
you don’t have to speak and I would still enjoy your company.
You are the puzzle that I really want to solve,
but we should rather build our own castle when it’s cold.
My feelings are drowning in the sea,
for your love I would rather be blind than see.
I will do anything for you to see you smile,
cuz you are the only reason why sun always shine.
Love is not for me,
it was always for people with no empathy.
I like the way that I feel when I am with you,
it always feels like the first time that I saw you.
I hate the taste of wine,
but drinking with you makes me feel like you are completly mine.
Let’s escape from this place, from this town, from this century,
I want to feel alive again and the only thing that destroys me is the memory.
I am not perfect in this, I could always be better,
but poetry is the only destination where it doesn’t matter.
Chcela by som vám na záver popriať len mier vo vašich myšlienkách, veľa skutočnej lásky a aby ste sa tešili aj z maličkostí, ktoré nám skrášľujú život.
Majte sa krásne!
Mám vás rada♥
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